Casa Di Pietra | Mykonos
Casa di Pietra is a Mykonian Boutique Hotel, inspired by the lifestyle of the local summer houses, made to offer high-quality leisure time.
What we did for this project:
Typology study
Concept Development
Design & Operational Briefs
Branding & Implementation

We were inspired to create a concept that would combine seamlessly both sides of the Mykonian summer lifestyle. Where the local easy-going spirit, blends with luxury and the iconic Cycladic architecture, Casa di Pietra is born.
Hotel Typology
The first stage of our Services, which includes the Research & the Typology Study, helped the Hotel Owners take their final decisions regarding the hotel's Typology (type of property, room types, grounds, etc) and its main Features and Facilities, aiming to increase the hotel's ADR as well as its sales potentials from its various departments and services.

Hotel Experiences
During the Hotel Concept Development process, we specified the main idea and the narrative of the new hotel, which will allow it to stand out from the competition. At the same time, we specified all the new hotel's experiences, services, and operation model, in order to help the architectural and design teams to capture all the requirements for its final design.

Hotel Branding & Implementation
In order to have a fuller image of the Concept, we have created an initial branding for the new hotel that captures its feel and essence, and which must be taken into account during the design process. At the same time, we presented a series of indicative applications and implementations of the branding, in order to convey in a more tangible way the feeling that will be exuded during the hotel's visual communication.

Name Description
The name "Casa di Pietra" is inspired by the local rock that is a key element of the hotel landscape. Specifically, each term of the name reflects a specific meaning:
Casa → From the building, which resembles a luxury home
Pietra → From the Landscape of the hotel, where the Mykonian Stone prevails & From the name of the owner.
Logo Description
The logo is inspired by the concept of stone, which connects and integrates the hotel with its natural environment. The name Casa di Pietra refers to the local rock that is a key element of the hotel landscape. However, in the logo, the meaning of stone is depicted completely schematically and abstractly, while the angles and straight lines give a fresh character and make it very modern and dynamic.
At the same time, the chosen symbol is very distinctive and recognizable, while it has an excellent application in various elements of the hotel, such as towels, bathrobes, slippers, etc.
Hotel Design
For the completion of the project, Destsetters collaborates with esteemed Architectural and Design teams, in the context of the thorough application of the concept to the overall experience, the correct specification of the anticipated operational needs, and the new hotel's commercial potentials. The Architectural & Design teams are selected by the investors/project owners and play an active part in the overall decisions regarding the development of the new property.
List of Partners
To be announced